

(*Diagnostic Value = 0/1)

In our experience with patients affected by prostatitis cystoscopy is of little value and does not add to the data obtained from the other tests I have mentioned. In cases of urethro-prostatitis cystoscopy before endoscopy such as bladder neck resection or removal of urethral stenosis shows the urethra and the bladder neck are very reddened and have dilated, easily ruptured blood vessels. In the prostatic lodge blackish granules i.e. calculi in the periprostatic acini, are often observed.
In cases of urethral-prostate reflux the walls of the prostatic lodge are no longer pink in color but present with a greyish-mother-of-pearl colour because of the fibrosis caused by the chronic inflammation.
Obviously this urethral tract will have lost its physiological elasticity and burning will ensue during micturition because of lack of distension during the passage of urine.